2018-10-13 – 14:55 h
The Filmová filharmonie (FILMharmonie) orchestra conducted by Chuhei Iwasaki will start their 2018/2019 season today with a film music concert centered on the SCI-FI genre, to be celebrated on the beautiful Dvořák Hall of the Rudolfinum in Prague (Czech Republic). The audience will find a large symphony orchestra and choir, with more than 150 artists performing on stage.
- John Williams – E. T. – The Extraterrestrial – Flying Theme
- Alan Silvestri – Predator (Main Theme / Jungle Trek / First Arrow)
- Hans Zimmer – Inception – Welcome Home Mr. Cobb
- James Newton Howard – Signs (Main Titles / Hand of Fate)
- John Williams – Superman (Love Theme / Superman March)
- David Arnold – Independence Day
- Alan Silvestri – The Abyss
- Michael Giacchino – Star Trek – Into Darkness
- Jay Chattaway – Star Trek: Inner Light [ST-TNG] (TV)
- John Williams – Star Wars (Main Title / Across the Stars / Battle of the Heroes)
When: Saturday, October 13th, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Rudolfinum (Prague, Czech Republic)
Tickets: 450-2500 CZK (18-97 €) – http://www.filmharmonie.cz/cz/koncerty/13-10-2018-koncert-filmove-hudby-sci-fi
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/325706227957420/