2022-05-06 – 14:50 h

On May 14 the Municipal Auditorium of Ondara will host the official presentation of the program of the 4th edition of SONAFILM festival, to be held in August 2022 and dedicated this year to the composer Ennio Morricone.


The event will unveil the content that will be enjoyed in SONAFILM 2022, broken down in each of the locations participating in the festival: Ondara, El Verger, and Denia.


The presentation will culminate with a completely free concert by the Universal Chamber Orchestra, with the participation of the Coral Santa Anna d’Ondara, the Cor de Beniarbeig and the Cor de la Xara.


When: Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 19:30h

Where: Auditori Municipal d’Ondara (Ondara, Alicante, Spain)

Tickets: Free – RVSP required – https://agendaondara.es/evento/16833-universal-chamber-orchestra