2018-01-06 – 13:55 h
2017 has been a great year and as a summary, here you have this video with a selection of the best moments of the festivals / concerts / interviews / workshops / events in which SoundTrackFest has participated.
This video includes the full version of the hymn specially composed for SoundTrackFest by Curro Martin (for the moment it is a version with “samples”… but who knows if there will not be an orchestral version at some point… 2018 has only just begun) 😉
To accompany this video, a special summary article will be published in a few days with the best of 2017 and what we can expect from 2018, so stay tuned, and for the moment … enjoy this video and its music!
SoundTrackFest Hymn: Curro Martin
SoundTrackFest opening stinger: Diego Ruiz Exposito
Video: Gorka Oteiza
HD video on YouTube: