2022-10-08– 19:40 h

The Bellver Castle of Palma hosted on July 15, a film music concert, with a monographic program of the South African composer Mark Kilian, performed by the orchestra SimfoVents Palma under the baton of Ximo Esteve (read more).


Now, this concert, which was organized in collaboration with the Asociación Balear Amigos de las Bandas Sonoras (ABABS), can be enjoyed in its entirety in the following link (1h 25m 08s):


This concert is presented in this video in its entirety with both English and Spanish subtitles.



  • 00:00 Introduction by Juan Arbona Comellas
  • 04:01 Introduction by Mark Kilian
  • 04:22 Introduction to ’41’
  • 05:48 Performance of ’41’
  • 11:51 Introduction to ‘Bless Me, Ultima.’
  • 13:24 Performance of ‘Bless Me, Ultima.’
  • 18:42 Introduction to ‘Encender El Corazon.’
  • 20:47 Performance of ‘Encender El Corazon.’
  • 25:24 Introduction to ‘Official Secrets.’
  • 26:57 Performance of ‘Official Secrets.’
  • 29:55 Introduction to ‘Dolores.’
  • 32:08 Performance of ‘Dolores.’
  • 37:50 Introduction to ‘Before The Rains.’
  • 39:12 Performance of ‘Before The Rains.’
  • 46:30 Introduction to ‘Replicas.’
  • 48:46 Performance of ‘Replicas.’
  • 51:55 Introduction to ‘Revenge Of The Green Dragons.’
  • 54:44 Performance of ‘Revenge Of The Green Dragons.’
  • 57:26 Introduction to ‘Traitor.’
  • 59:30 Performance of ‘Traitor.’
  • 1:03:25 Thank you’s Mark Kilian
  • 1:07:17 Introduction to ‘President In Waiting.’
  • 1:08:14 Performance of ‘President In Waiting.’
  • 1:16:03 Final applause and bows
  • 1:18:36 Final thanks Juan Arbona Comellas
  • 1:19:40 Surprise performance traditional Mallorcan music.
  • 1:22:12 Handing out gifts.

Official description:

“On July 15, 2022 I had the honor and pleasure of presenting a concert of my film music at the amazingly beautiful 14th century Bellver castle in Palma, Mallorca (Spain) with the orchestra ‘La Banda Municipal de Música de Palma.’ This was the brainchild of Juan Arbona Comellas and his organization ABABS (Asociación Balear Amigos de las Bandas Sonoras) as part of their Simfovents series. We had actually planned it for the summer of 2020 but the pandemic put an end to that idea.


This was an enormous challenge for me as not only had I never written for a wind band like this before, but the majority of my music leans heavily on ethnic and electronic elements. So I had to choose the repertoire very carefully with pieces I knew I could make sense of with this kind of orchestra which had, ahem… no strings. Not a single one! And a boatload of clarinets:)


I enlisted my good friend and fellow composer Steve London to help me begin the process of orchestrating and arranging my selections and then also worked with Los Angeles orchestrator Ryan Humphrey before passing the baton over to Ximo Esteve Vaquer and Enrique Pastor Celda who are the resident orchestrators for the orchestra in Palma and also members of ABABS. They worked extremely hard in the 2 months leading up to the concert, arranging, proofing and preparing all the scores and parts. It was a huge amount of work and my heartfelt gratitude goes to them both and especially Ximo for conducting the entire concert with very little notice. I also want to thank enormously Juan Arbona Comellas and all the folks from ABABS as well as the orchestra and all the people who make this concert possible.


And last but not least thanks to my amazing wife Anneli and her folks Marinda and Frank as well as my oldest friend in the world, Meschi Schmidt and his daughters for making the journey to be here for this most special event.


This concert is presented here in its entirety with both English and Spanish subtitles.”