ISFMF 2019 festival – Dates confirmed
The Croatian International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF) has confirmed dates for this year’s edition: from Saturday 19th to Monday 21st of October 2019, just after the World Soundtrack Awards (read news), something very appropriate and convenient, as it will be easier for participants and guests to attend both festivals in a row.
As it happened in last year’s edition, the festival will be held at the Park Plaza Histria Hotel of Pula, Croatia and although it is still early to announce the program, guests, and the annual ‘Best Film Scores Awards’ contest (where the “Crystal Pine” awards are presented – read news), the festival has started 2019 confirming dates in advance.
Remember that in 2018 the ISFMF festival joined forces with ECSA – European Composer and Songwriter Alliance, to celebrate the first edition of the Camille Awards, a continuation of the Grand Scores Awards, launched in 2014 (read more). Here you have a video summary of that night:
One more year, SoundTrackFest will keep a close eye on this promising festival, which might have more than one surprise prepared for this new edition in 2019.
More information:
Festival’s official website: