Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive workshop 2018 with Conrad Pope, William Ross & Angel Velez

Today, Thursday January 11th 2018, a composition workshop organized by Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive (LAFCI) begins, mainly focused on young composers, and which will involve a total of 22 people, taking place in Los Angeles (California) over 4 days (11-14 Jan).


Conrad Pope, William Ross and Angel Velez will be mentors and teachers of the composition workshop, with Jorge Mester, Carl Rydlund, Helix Collective, USC Thornton Symphony and Hollywood Studio Symphony as special guests.

Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive 2018 - Poster


The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive (LAFCI) is dedicated to advancing the art of conducting by providing workshops and access to online resources, to help composers improve their skills and succeed on the podium. Thus, LAFCI is dedicated to providing exceptional training based on pedagogical practices together with experienced professional faculty.

LACFI 2017 - Student Group


This year’s first event will be hosted on the campus of Warner Brothers Studios – Eastwood Scoring Stage, in a four day workshop that focuses on the craft of conducting, designed for composers of media. The course will cover topics ranging from baton technique, body movement, working with clicks, using streamers and much more, all to help composers be confident and effective leaders on the podium.

LAFCI 2018 - Warner Brothers Studios - Eastwood Scoring Stage


Attending composers will have the opportunity to study and conduct great repertoire, and will prepare their own cue to conduct and record with full orchestra on the final day. The program includes:

  • Star Wars Suite for Orchestra by John Williams (Hal Leonard)
  • Tribute to the Film Composer by John Williams (Hal Leonard)
  • A Prayer for Peace (Avner’s Theme) by John Williams (Hal Leonard)
  • A piece provided by LAFCI to be conducted with punches and streamers.
  • The participant’s composition.


The workshop will have two sessions with musicians each day as well as classes on body movement and technique, and will use a full orchestra the final day.  Each session is designed to allow the participant an opportunity to expand upon previous sessions, and will lead to apply previously learned lessons before conducting their own composition. Each conductor will be allocated 15 minutes of podium time for each session and will have all sessions recorded for personal review.

LACFI 2018 - Workshop


There will be two levels of participation in the workshop: fellow or auditor, giving the first level full access and participation rights to all activities, and giving the second one only access to participation in discussions and in the events, but without the possibility to conduct the orchestra. The workshop is limited to 12 fellows and a maximum of 10 auditors.


Entries, which were made in the months prior to the start of the workshop, were $ 3,100 for the fellow level and $ 750 for the auditor level.


More information about this workshop and other activities that will be organized throughout the year by LAFCI in:



An inside look with William Ross: