‘Wallace and Gromit: In Concert’ returns in 2021

The show ‘Wallace and Gromit: In Concert’ that debuted in 2019 (read more) and had to stop touring in 2020, returns in 2021 with concerts in the UK, Australia, and Taiwan, bringing back to life the wonderful music that Julian Nott composed for the franchise, with a live orchestra.


The first two concerts will be on Sunday, June 13 (14:00h & 16:30h) at the Lowry in Salford (UK), followed by BF Stadium in Perth (Australia) on Sunday, Jun 19th, to then have three concerts at the National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts in Kaohsiung City (Taiwan) on December 25 & 26.


Tickets for Salford (UK), with prices ranging 19-23 GBP (22-27 €), can be found here:



Facebook Event:



More information about the rest of the tour and link to tickets:



Promotional video: