XIII Jerry Goldsmith Awards – Submissions deadline

April 30th is the deadline for the presentation of the works to the XIIIth edition the Jerry Goldsmith Awards, given by the BSOSpirit association (read news). The candidates have to be premiered or finished between May 2017 and July 2018.


These veterans awards, which have a long and established trajectory through film music festivals such as Ubeda, Cordoba and Malaga (MOSMA), have the aim to recognize the work of composers in the audiovisual sector (film, television, advertising or other media), especially those who despite having a career, have not obtained the deserved recognition (follow link).


From SoundTrackFest we would like to encourage all composers to submit their works for any of the eight categories available: free creation form, original song, promotion & advertising, television & web series, documentary, video game, short feature film and long feature film, plus a ninth additional category for best composer of each edition chosen among all participants.


More information about the awards’ bases:



Additional and timely information regarding this edition (official Facebook):



Facebook event:
