
Lang Lang – The Disney Book – Madrid

On Monday, July 3, the celebrated international pianist Lang…

Music and Film Nights 2022 – Villafranca de Córdoba – Summary

The province of Cordoba hosted one more year the program ‘Music…

Music and Film Nights in the Province of Cordoba 2021 – Summary

The Orquesta de Córdoba conducted by Salvador Vázquez, has…

Nights of Music and Cinema in the Province of Cordoba 2018

The Provincial Council of Cordoba has presented today in a press…

25 Years – Film Music Concert with the Orchestra of Cordoba

Last Thursday, October 12, 2017, an extraordinary concert of…

Nights of Music and Cinema in the Province of Cordoba 2017

The Provincial Council of Cordoba presented in a press conference…

Portfolio Items

Music and Film Nights in the Province of Cordoba 2022

2022-06-29 - 9:50 h The province of Cordoba will host…

Music and Film Nights in the Province of Cordoba 2021

2021-07-20 - 13:20 h The Orquesta de Córdoba conducted…