2022-01-09 – 19:00 h


ACTUALIZACIÓN (14/1/2022): Nueva fecha anunciada -> 8/3/2022 (antigua fecha 1/2/2022)


La SCL (Sociedad de Compositores y Letristas / Society of Composers & Lyricists) ha anunciado que la 3ª edición de los premios SCL Awards, cuya ceremonia se iba a celebrar en el Skirball Cultural Center de Los Ángeles el martes 1 de febrero de 2022, ha sido pospuesta (nueva fecha por determinar) al 8 de marzo de 2022 (leer más).


Anuncio oficial:

“Dear SCL Community,


Upon careful consideration of our members’ safety, analysis with city and state officials, and our partners, we have made the decision to postpone the 3rd Annual SCL Awards ceremony to a later date. We are determined to keep this an in-person event, and therefore the safety and health concerns of those in our music community, our staff, and the production team are of the utmost importance.


Given the uncertainty surrounding the Omicron variant, we believe that going ahead with the show on February 1st would not be the best course of action. We look forward to celebrating our members’ outstanding work with you all on a future date, to be announced.


Ashley Irwin




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