Krakow Film Music Festival 2023 – Foro Audiovisual

Dentro de unos días dará comienzo la 16ª edición del Festival de Música de Cine de Cracovia / Festiwal Muzyki Filmowej w Krakowie (23-30.05.2023), y próximamente tendremos acceso a las actividades del Foro Audiovisual FMF, de acceso libre y gratuito, celebrado en el Palacio Potocki (Pałac Potockich).

Krakow Film Music Festival 2023 - Foro Audiovisual


Como en ediciones anteriores, SoundTrackFest se enorgullece de colaborar con el festival en el Foro Audiovisual, en el panel “Electronics versus Score” (27 de mayo, 13:45-14:45h), con la participación de: Stefan Behrisch, Graham Foote, Wojtek Urbański, Jan Sanejko, Nikiforos Chrysoloras, y moderado por el fundador y director de SoundTrackFest, Gorka Oteiza.


Esta es la lista completa de actividades del Foro Audiovisual:

Jueves 25/5/2023

  • 12:00 | Press Conference
    • Robert Piaskowski, Carolina Pietyra, Paweł Pawlik, Simon Franglen, Łukasz Targosz, Aleksandra Twardowska-Kaczmarek.
    • The meeting will be hosted by: Xymena Plater-Zyberk.


  • 14:00 | Jan A.P. Composer and Friend
    • Aleksandra Twardowska-Kaczmarek, Michał Merczyński, Robert Piaskowski, Andrzej Szchowski
    • Host: Katarzyna Janowska


  • 15:15 | How to promote polish film music?
    • Anna Laskowska (Sony), Marek Hojda (Music Export Poland), Maciej Zieliński, Daniel Cichy (PWM), Tomasz Jakub Opałka (ZAiKS), Radosław Śmigulski (PISF)
    • Host: Tamara Kamińska (Music Export Poland)
    • Partner of meeting: Stowarzyszenie Autorów ZAiKS.


  • 18:00 | INSTALLATION OF THE STAR OF JOHN A.P. KACZMARK | Vistula Boulevards
    • String Quartet from the Krakow Philharmonic – Jan A.P. Kaczmarek – «Dancing with the Bear» from the film «Finding Neverland»


Viernes 26/5/2023

  • 11:00 | Festivals for climate
    • Marco Patrignani (FMF Rome), Pedro Merida (Fimucité), Dirk Brossé (FilmFest Ghent), Małgorzata Płysa (Unsound Festival)
    • Host: Carolina Pietyra (KBF)


  • 12:15 | Jan A.P. Ambassador of Polish cinema
    • Paweł Sztompke, Aneta Kopacz, Irena Strzałkowska
    • Host: Łukasz Maciejewski


  • 13:00 | Master Class: How to make Trailer Music
    • Host: Roy Lidstone (A&GSync)
    • Parter of workshops is Music Export Poland
    • *Closed meeting for participants of FMF YTA 2023 Master Classes


  • 13:30 | Why do we live in a golden era of video game music?
    • Arkadiusz Reikowski, Anna Krampus-Sepielak (Digital Dragons), Jan Sanejko, Mateusz Lenart (Game Director – Bloober Team)
    • Host: Mariusz Borkowski
    • Partner of meeting is Digital Dragons


  • 15:00 | Album premiere Wojciech Urbanski – EVERDOME (Original Metaverse Soundtrack)
    • Wojciech Urbański, Łukasz Alwast
    • Prowadzenie: Jarosław Szubrycht
    • Co-organizer is Everdome


Sábado 27/5/2023

  • 11:15 | Echoes of Space – surround sound in concert form
    • Simon Franglen, Hans-Martin Buff, Gary Marlowe, Marcin Błachnio (Yamaha)
    • Host: Magdalena Piotrowska
    • Partner: Yamaha/NEXO


  • 12:30 | Music of Space – soundtracks in mountain films
    • Nainita Desai, Łukasz Targosz, Piotr Turkot (Krakowski Festiwal Górski), Miriam Cutler Host: Paweł Piotrowicz


  • 13:45 | Electronics versus score
    • Stefan Behrisch, Graham Foote, Wojtek Urbański, Jan Sanejko, Nikiforos Chrysoloras
    • Host: Gorka Oteiza


  • 15:00 | Coffee&PR Mentoring
    • Ray Costa, Annette Gentz, George Christopoulos, Maggie Rodford, Francesco Berta, Darell Alexander
    • Host: John Konsolakis
    • Finalists FMF YTA
    • *meeting closed for participants of FMF YTA 2023 Master Classes


Domingo 28/5/2023

  • 10:00 | Steven Price – meet&greet
    • Host: Yati Durant


  • 12:00 | Simon Franglen – meet&greet
    • Host: Jarek Szubrycht


  • 14:00 | Jan A.P. Dreamer – meeting around the exhibition | Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology st. M. Konopnicka 26
    • Host: Michael Łyczek


  • 15:15 | IMMSANE: Presenting the MSCN Film Music Festivals Academy
    • Mateusz Bień, Miriam Cutler, George Christopoulos, Halldor Krogh
    • Host: Yati Durant
    • *meeting closed for participants of FMF YTA 2023 Master Classes


  • 16:00 | Screening of Judyta Fibiger’s film The soul of a piano | Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology ul. M. Konopnicka 26


  • 16:00 | Porta w Pałacu x FMF presents: between the director and the composer. Meeting with film music.


Más información sobre el Festival de Música de Cine de Cracovia:


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