2018-05-29 – 11:45 h
Today, Tuesday, May 29th, Michael Nyman will give a lecture called “Music which has influenced me, but which I have never heard” in the Music Department of City University of London (UK). The talk – which is free and open to the public – will begin at 6 pm and take place in the B200 lecture theatre.
There Nyman will discuss his diverse career and musical influences and borrowings, focusing in particular on his allusions to previous music which he has only seen on the page, never heard. The lecture will be illustrated by recordings.
When: Tuesday 29th of May 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: City University of London – B2000 Lecture Theatre (London, UK)
Tickets: Free – Registration Required – https://www.city.ac.uk/events/2018/may/michael-nyman
More information: https://www.city.ac.uk/news/2018/may/michael-nyman