2017-11-07 – 17:04 h

As Film Music Reporter announced at the beginning of October, and been verified in the credits of the episodes broadcasted since then, music production house Bleeding Fingers Music has replaced Alf Clausen on scoring Fox animated series The Simpsons, where Hans Zimmer and Russell Emanuel serve as score producers and Steven Kofsky is credited as the score executive producer.

Looking at the first episodes of the 29th Season of The Simpsons, you can see that Danny Elfman’s main titles theme is still being used and Alf Clausen is credited as “Composer Emeritus”, while Bleeding Fingers Music gets music composing credits.


Original news: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2017/10/01/bleeding-fingers-music-taking-over-scoring-duties-on-the-simpsons/

Alf Clausen replacement news @ SoundTrackFest: http://soundtrackfest.com/es/micro/alf-clausen-despedido-de-los-simpson-despues-de-27-anos-componiendo-su-musica/