2019-02-15 – 15:00 h
This week we have achieved another goal in SoundTrackFest, we have reached 3,500 followers on Facebook and we have started the road towards the 4,000. January 2019 was a very intense month, with more than 26,200 users accessing the web, who read… more than 76,000 pages!
First of all, we would like to thank all the people who made it possible and who follow SoundTrackFest’s posts every day, both on Facebook and on the website.
Many thanks also to all the people that has collaborated during 2018 writing articles such as Rafa Melgar, Gori Martínez, Curro Martín, Felipe Múgica, Jorge Ortiz, Antònia Pizà, Sergio Hardasmal, Frederic Torres, Juanjo Molina, León Esteban, Joan Masats, Julen Zaballa, and Maria Borg, or helped in many other tasks like Diego Ruiz or Josep Ferré, all of them under the watchful eye of Gorka Oteiza.
As Buzz Lightyear said: “To infinity and beyond!” 😉