2020-09-25 – 17:30 h
Today, Friday, September 25th, and tomorrow, Saturday, September 26th, 2020, at 20:30h, the Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Lirico will pay a heartfelt tribute to Maestro Ennio Morricone, who died on 6th July at the age of 91.
These two concerts, which will be held in the Arena del Parco della Musica in Cagliari (Italy), and which are entitled “Morricone conducts Morricone”, will be led by the guest conductor Andrea Morricone, son of the maestro, who had numerous collaborations with theaters and music festivals.
The following soloists will also be part of the concert: Vittoriana De Amicis (soprano), Rocco Zifarelli (electric guitar), Giovanni Civitenga (electric bass), Massimo D’Agostino (drums), Leandro Piccioni (piano, keyboards). The choirmaster will be Giovanni Andreoli.
Each concert will have a total duration of about 80 minutes and does not include an interval.
More information (tickets – sold out):