Alexandre Desplat in Barcelona – Press conference and masterclass

Alexandre Desplat is already in Barcelona, on the occasion of the two concerts he will be conducting this Thursday 22 and Friday 23 of December with the Symphonic Orchestra of Barcelona and National of Catalonia (OBC) in the Auditorium of Barcelona (L’Auditori), as already informed in the following news (see news).

Alexandre Desplat - Conducting



For this reason, today Tuesday 20th, a press conference will be held at 1:45 pm in Room 3 of L’Auditori for accredited media, which will then continue at 2:30 pm with the possibility to attend one of orchestra’s rehearsal sessions. In the press conference, the technical director of the OBC, Alberto Sampablo, will accompany composer Alexandre Desplat.


Later, at 6:00 pm, there will be an open master class by Alexandre Desplat at the ESMUC (Superior School of Music of Catalonia) within the Soundtrack Composition Master. The masterclass will take place in classrooms 346-347 and access will be open with seating limited to room capacity.

Alexandre Desplat - Masterclass


SoundTrackFest will come to Barcelona these days, to cover the concerts that will conduct Alexandre Desplat, so stay tuned to the web, and expect more news soon.