Cancelled Alexandre Desplat’s concert today in Paris

The concert that the Orchestre National de France conducted by Alexandre Desplat was going to give today, December 8th, at the the Maison de la RadioAuditorium de Radio France (París, France) at 5 pm, aimed at young children and kids, has been cancelled due to the protests that have been happening lately in the capital, and to the demonstrations planned for this weekend.


According to information on the official website (French):

IMPORTANT ! Compte tenu des manifestations annoncées ce 8 décembre, la Maison de la radio sera fermée au public samedi 8 décembre de 8h00 à 6h30 le lendemain. Par conséquent, le concert est annulé.”


Automatic translation (Google):

“IMPORTANT! Given the events announced on December 8, the House of the radio will be closed to the public Saturday, December 8 from 8:00 to 6:30 the next day. As a result, the concert is canceled.”


Fortunately, Alexandre Desplat was able to give the concert he had planned for last Thursday, December 6th in the same venue, which we told you about in the following news:


More information about the cancelled concert: