Film music concerts at SACO 2021 festival

Today, Thursday, March 4, the program for the 7th edition of the Audiovisual Week of Oviedo (SACO – Semana del Audiovisual de Oviedo) has been presented, being celebrated from 19-28 March 2021 in Oviedo (Asturias).


Here is a summary of the film-concerts that make up the festival:

SAFETY LAST! BY DRUMS & PIANO – Friday 19/3/21 – 19:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

Drums & Piano accompanies live this great film by Harold Lloyd through a piano repertoire by Jorge Gil Zulueta, pianist and composer specialized in the accompaniment of silent films, using themes of the 20s (ragtime and hot jazz) as well as various scores that were written specifically for live accompaniment in the projections of the cinema of the time.


The pianistic interpretation is complemented by the sound effects by percussionist Sergio Gutiérrez who acts as a Foley artist, through drums, percussions, and various percussive utensils. A true experience to feel the way of seeing cinema in its beginnings.

SACO 7 - Safety Last!


ACARTOONADOS BY TRASH-TORNADOS – Saturday 20/3/21 – 17:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

Winsor Mc Cay (1911), Silly Symphonies – The Skeleton Dance (1929), Dixie Days (1930), Balloonland (1935), The Haunted Mouse (1941), Congo Jazz (1930), Boom, Boom (1936), Jungle Jitters (1938)


acartOOnados is the new show by Trash-Tornados where the old sounds of swing, jazz, and rock and roll are combined with the cartoons of the first half of the 20th century, in a visual-musical show for all audiences.


Trash-Tornados: Bobby González, guitar/voice, Pibli González, drums, Pablo Souto, double bass & Kiko Flores, sax.

SACO 7 - Acartoonados


THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE BY ENOL ENSEMBLE – Sunday 21/3/21 – 19:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

The versatile Swedish artist Victor Sjöström not only directed, but also wrote the script and left for himself the main role in this unassailable reference of cinema: ‘The Phantom Carriage’ to which the Enol Ensemble will add music.

SACO 7 - The Phantom Carriage


JORDI SABATÉS RECREATES SEGUNDO CHOMÓN – Wednesday 24/3/21 – 19:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

Danses cosmopolites à transformation (1902), Ah! La barbe! (1905), Electric Hôtel (1908), Création de la serpentine (1908), Les oeufs de Pâques (1907), Les ombres chinoises (1908), La valise de Barnum (1904), L ́album merveilleux (1905), La maison ensorcelée (1907), Le Roi des Dollars (1905), Métamorphoses (1912), Le spectre rouge (1907), En avant la musique (1907), Symphonie bizarre (1909), Imágenes insólitas (selección)


The pianist and composer Jordi Sabatés will allow us to discover the work of the pioneer Segundo de Chomón (Teruel 1871-Paris 1929), a brilliant filmmaker who revolutionized the cinema of his time with innovative concepts that are still admired today for their technical and artistic quality. Sabatés performs on the piano the music he created for 14 of Chomón’s films, revealing and highlighting their surprising modernity, with pieces that are fully integrated into the rhythm and dramaturgy of the filmmaker, achieving an extraordinary symbiosis between cinema and music.

SACO 7 - Jordi Sabatés - Segundo de Chomón


CITY LIGHTS BY OVIEDO FILARMONÍA – Saturday 27/3/21 – 12:00h & 19:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

In City Lights, Chaplin was a director, actor, screenwriter, producer, editor, and also composed the elegant soundtrack, helped by maestros of film music such as Arthur Johnston and Alfred Newman. The Oviedo Filarmonía will recreate the score under the baton of the Asturian conductor Óliver Díaz.


Tickets (8-12€):

SACO 7 - City Lights


NOSFERATU BY RADIO NOSFERATU – Sunday 28/3/21 – 19:00h (Teatro Campoamor)

The music composed and arranged by Jacobo de Miguel for the film ‘Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922, dir. F.W. Murnau)’, portrays the relativity of right and wrong, the ambiguity of human reason and its limits.


Radio Nosferatu: Silvia Fernández, voice and electric bass / Puri Penín, voice and acoustic guitar / Sandra Luquiños, voice and glockenspiel / Verónica Rodríguez, horn, trumpet and voice / Marta Martínez, cello / Jacobo de Miguel, piano, voice and musical direction.

SACO 7 - Nosferatu



Tickets for SACO 7 can be picked up at the website and through from 11am on the day before each show or movie. The tickets for SACO 7 are free, numbered, and only two invitations per person can be picked up (except the City Lights cine-concert).


More information about the film-concert cycle:


Spot SACO 7:


More information about this 7th edition of SACO at: