‘HOLLYWOOD Concert’ with Municipal Band of Music in Toledo (Spain)

Tomorrow Saturday, April 15th at 8:30 pm, the “El Silo” Culture House in the municipality of San Bartolome de las Abiertas (Toledo – Spain), will host a film music concert, performed by the Municipal Band of Music from Camarena directed by Sergio Ventura Merchán.

Municipal Band of Music from Camarena


Under the name “HOLLYWOOD Concert” and with over 50 musicians on stage, they will play themes from well-known films such as Out of Africa, Frozen, The Da Vinci Code, The Chronicles of Narnia and Superman, as well as Western music.


The concert is organized by the City Hall of San Bartolome de las Abiertas and tickets have a unique and popular price of € 2.


More information in: http://ayun-sanbartolomedelasabiertas.com/concierto-hollywood/

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