
CAMILLE AWARDS 2022 – Masterclasses

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th, the ceremony of the Camille…

Camille Awards 2022 – Nominees & Lifetime Achievement Award for Alfi Kabiljo

The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) has announced…

World Soundtrack Awards 2021 – WSA Industry Days

The World Soundtrack Awards will have its 21st edition this week…

International Film Festival of Aubagne 2021 – Firsthand – By Paula Olaz

Yesterday, Saturday, June 5th, ended the 22nd edition of the…

International Film Festival of Aubagne 2021

On Monday, May 31st, started the 22nd edition of the International…

World Soundtrack Awards 2018 – Industry Events

Today starts Film Fest Gent (9-19 Oct 2018), followed next week…