Portfolio Items

‘The General’ in concert in Seville
2023-02-01 - 20:20 h
The Real Orquesta Sinfónica de…

Festival Charlie Chaplin 2022 with the Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musical – Cine-concerts
2022-02-20 - 19:35 h
The magic of silent movies on the…

Films ‘The Kid / City Lights’ in concert with the Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla and Timothy Brock
2021-12-16 - 20:40 h
In 1921 Charles Chaplin released…

Cineuropa 2020 – ‘Charles Chaplin: The Kid’ in concert
2020-11-04 - 20:40 h
The Galician festival Cineuropa,…

Concert ‘War and Peace’ at the Megaron of Athens (Greece) conducted by Frank Strobel
2018-10-14 - 10:50 h
Orchestra conductor Frank Strobel…