2022-02-20 – 19:35 h

The magic of silent movies on the big screen with live music by the Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali, will be the protagonist of the “Charlie Chaplin Festival 2022”, to be held at the Teatro Dal Verme in Milan (Italy) in the coming months: four appointments on four Sunday afternoons, spread over the months of February to May 2022.


This is the list of concerts:

  • 27/2/2022 – 16:00h – City Lights – Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali & Timothy Brock
  • 27/3/2022 – 16:00h – The Circus – Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali & Timothy Brock
  • 10/4/2022 – 16:00h – A Dog’s Life / Shoulder Arms – Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali & José Antonio Montano
  • 08/5/2022 – 16:00h – The Gold Rush – Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali & Helmut Imig


Links and tickets:



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