Danny Elfman will perform at the Coachella Festival 2020 [NEW DATES]

UPDATE (4/10/2020): The festival won’t be celebrated in 2020 and has been postponed to 2021 (read more)

UPDATE (1/6/2021): The festival won’t be celebrated in 2021 and has been postponed to 2022 (read more)

UPDATE (4/4/2022): Danny Elfman confirmed in Coachella 2022 (read more)


The 2020 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, that was going to be celebrated from 10-19 Apr 2020 at the Empire Polo Club in Indio (California, USA), has changed its dates to 9-18 October 2020, due to quarantine caused by the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.


Thus, composer Danny Elfman’s show in Coachella 2020, named ‘Danny Elfman: Past, Present and Future! From Boingo to Batman and Beyond’, has also changed its dates from Saturday, April 11 & 18, to Saturday, October 10 & 17.


Official announcement:


Danny Elfman actuará en el Coachella Festival 2020 [NUEVAS FECHAS]


In Danny Elfman’s words:


“Hello! I’m sorry I’ve been offline for a while, but I’m back. Thank you all for your kind words. I was working very hard on putting together the show for Coachella, which, as we all know, has been postponed. For the time being we’re all in the same boat together, trying to get through this horrible situation we all find ourselves in. The important thing right now is for everybody to work together to make it pass as quickly as possible. Keeping ourselves, our families and our communities healthy in this time is our single common goal.


I, for one, am hunkering down with my family, and we’re doing our best to keep ourselves isolated and healthy. I guess this is a great time for reading and writing (and yes… bingeing) and catching up on movies that I missed during the year and books that have been waiting to be opened. I’m trying to exercise every day without exception as well. It’s so important to try and keep our immune systems as strong as possible.


These are unprecedented times, at least for the last century… It’s very rare to be sharing such hardship and sadness with virtually everyone on the entire planet, but that’s what we’re facing. That being said, I do feel that we can get through this, and the more we all do our best, the quicker that will be. To everybody who sees this, I wish you a safe and sane journey to the other side of this ordeal. Please do your best to work for the common goal we share and look forward to the time when we can all reflect on how we got through it and the difficulties we faced together.


Of course I’m afraid, as we all are, but I refuse to be crippled by this fear. I’m getting by day by day like we all are… trying to keep my creativity and humor with me as best I can in such trying times and being as diligent as I possibly can to do my part to minimize the impact. I look forward to June in NJ and hope the worst has passed by then and it’s safe for people to gather together. But like with Coachella, if it’s not safe then I trust it will be rescheduled to a time when it is. Obviously we are all going day by day here, and hoping for the best, but we deal with each problem as it arrives. Clearly our mutual safety is by far what’s most important. I just try and think as positively as possible and stay hopeful.”



More information about the show:



Official Website:
