Eimear Noone will conduct the orchestra at the Oscars 2020

Irish composer & conductor Eimear Noone will be leading the orchestra at the Oscars ceremony next Sunday, 9th of February, to perform excerpts of the five nominated scores, making her the first female to conduct music at the Oscars ceremony. Ricky Minor, music director of the ceremony, is expected to conduct the orchestra during the rest of the show.

Eimear Noone will conduct the orchestra at the Oscars 2020


You can read the full news in the following link:



You can read more about the Oscar nominees for 2020 here:



You can also read more about the videogames concert that Eimear Noone conducted in Bilbao in 2018 during Librecon congress, which featured SoundTrackFest in its technical direction and production, here:
