Ennio Morricone adds 3 new concerts to his 2018 tour

It seems that Ennio Morricone is not willing stop touring as long as his health allows him to continue, since at 89 years old and after the recent announcement a month ago of 3 concerts in Italy for March 2018 (read news), he has just announced the inclusion of 3 new concerts to his tour for June 2018: 2 in Rome (Italy) and one in Nimes (France).


The two concerts in Rome will be held on June 16th and 17th (Saturday and Sunday) at the Baths of Caracalla, former public baths of Imperial Rome built in AD 212, and the only concert of the tour in 2018 outside Italy will be on Saturday, June 23rd in the Arena of Nîmes (Nimes, France), a Roman amphitheater built in 27 BC.


As you can see, both locations are emblematic and special places, with lots of history behind them.


Tickets are already on sale at the following links:

Rome (ITALY)

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of June, 2018 – 9:00 p.m. – Baths of Caracalla

Tickets Saturday 16th – 69-138 € (buy tickets)

Tickets Sunday 17th – 69-138 € (buy tickets)


Nimes (FRANCE)

Saturday 23rd of June, 2018 – 9:00 p.m. – Arena of Nîmes [Festival of Nimes]

Tickets 57-200 € (buy tickets)