FIMUCITÉ 13 – 7th Edition of FIMUCINEMA

FIMUCINEMA, the official competition section of Tenerife International Film Music Festival (FIMUCITÉ), under the coordination of Manuel Díaz Noda, has selected a total of 25 short films, 6 documentaries, and 6 fiction feature films, among the works included on its 7th edition, which come from places like Spain, United States, France, Italy, Germany or Canada among others.

FIMUCITÉ 13 - 7th Edition of FIMUCINEMA - Poster


These works will compete for the best original score awards in their respective categories (Alex North Award for Best Soundtrack in fiction feature, and the Fimucinema Awards for the best original score for documentary, short film, and best original song).

FIMUCITÉ 13 - Fimucinema 7 - Alex North Award


The 6 films selected for the Alex North Award for Best Soundtrack in fiction feature are:

  • Jim Copperthwaite – ‘The Bird Catcher’
  • Sergio Jiménez Lacima – ‘Lo que Siento por ti’
  • Andrew Kawczynski – ‘In Full Bloom’
  • Antony Partos – ‘Celeste’
  • David Reichelt – ‘La Palma’
  • Ralf Wengenmayr – ‘Jim Button And Luke The Engine Driver’


In the documentary category (6 in total):

  • Julien Jouen – ‘700 Sharks’
  • John McMillan – ‘Finding Bobbi. A Search for Self’
  • Olivier Militon – ‘The Superpowers of the Bear’
  • Mark Petrie – ‘American Mirror. Intimations of Immortality’
  • Ryan Stevenson – ‘The Perfect Gangster’
  • Josué Vergara – ‘Pinazo. Notas y Pensamiento’


In the short films category (25 in total):

  • Mathieu Alvado – ‘Rebirth’, ‘Safety’
  • Jonay Armas – ‘El Zoo de Papel’
  • Antonio Asiáin – ‘Miserere’
  • Joseba Beristain – ‘La Noche’
  • Alexandre Bouvier – ‘L’Age d’Or’
  • Iván Capillas – ‘Confía en mí’
  • Christy Carew – ‘Virtually’
  • Ginés Carrión – ‘La Tercera Parte’
  • Kasem Fahmi – ‘Demasiado Lejos para Escucharlo Todo’
  • Jonathan Galland – ‘The Ribbon’
  • Raúl Galván – ‘Las Aventuras de Sancho’
  • Manel Gil-Inglada – ‘Trivial’, ‘The Dark’
  • Luis Hernáiz – ‘Miedos’
  • Anne-Kathrin Dern – ‘Broken’
  • Jonas Lechenmayr – ‘Tariq’
  • Yi Liu – ‘HerT’
  • Pau Loewe – ‘La Guarida’
  • Alberto Torres – ‘Bicho’, ‘Vico Bergman’
  • Daniel Trujillo – ‘Nana’
  • Pablo Trujillo – ‘Una Noche Cualquiera’
  • Josué Vergara & Javier Quilis – ‘Lobisome’
  • Josué Vergara – ‘Tiempo de Blues’


The jury responsible for evaluating these works will be formed by musicians Harry Manfredini & Osvaldo Montes (president of the jury), Canarian filmmakers Vasni Ramos & Mercedes Afonso, and founder of director of SoundTrackFest, Gorka Oteiza. The winners will be unveiled on Sunday, September 29 at the Adán Martín Auditorium, during the concert “Champions of the Silver Screen”.

FIMUCITÉ 13 - Fimucinema 7 - Banner


All the movies of FIMUCINEMA will be projected during the Festival in El Espacio La Granja, located on the ground floor of La Casa de la Cultura, thanks to the support of the Government of the Canary Islands and the Health District – La Salle of the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The entrance to all the screenings is free until full capacity is reached.


Additional information about the planned projections and about FIMUCINEMA in the following links:


More information about the festival:


Official website: