Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 – Detailed Program

Hollywood Music Workshop will celebrate its 16th Anniversary from July 13th till August 8th, 2024, with a Spectacular Annual Summer Academy in Baden, Austria, taught by accomplished film music industry professionals: Steven & Julie Bernstein, Conrad Pope & Nan Schwartz, Mark Watters, Dave Metzger, and Walter Werzowa.

Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Banner


Founded in 2008 by renown studio musician Dimitrie Leivici and Lilo Bellotto, Hollywood Music Workshop is an internationally acclaimed academy for film composers and music professionals, providing a unique educational experience that combines practical training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.


For the past 15 years, Hollywood Music Workshop has been at the forefront of music education, providing a platform for emerging composers to learn from and collaborate with some of the most esteemed professionals. This year’s academy promises to be the most exceptional yet, with an unparalleled lineup of masterclasses, workshops, and unique networking opportunities, in the picturesque town of Baden, Austria, known for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes. Participants will have the opportunity to work closely with renowned lecturers, gaining invaluable insights into the art and craft of film scoring.


The edition of the academy will feature an array of exciting events, including workshops with acclaimed composers, live recording sessions, and a special gala. Additionally, the participants will have the chance to explore Baden’s rich history, immerse themselves in its vibrant music scene, and create lasting connections with fellow music professionals.


Following you can see the list of courses offered during the Hollywood Music Workshop – Summer Academy 2024:

July 13-16, 2024 – The Journey from Orchestration to Composition with DAVID METZGER composer of Disney’s “WISH”

Schedule: 10am-1pm / 3pm- 6pm CEST


This 4-day immersive in-person experience offers a rare insight into the acclaimed composer’s creative process, guiding you through essential aspects of film composing like mockup mastery, orchestration, the creative journey from idea to final score, workflow, and navigating the competitive film music industry.


Elevate your skills and secure your spot now for an exclusive in-person masterclass, gaining insider knowledge from Dave Metzger, composer of Disney’s WISH, a seasoned professional who will set you on the path to success in the dynamic world of film scoring.



Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Dave Metzger


July 18-21, 2024 – Composing & Conducting with MARK WATTERS

Schedule: 10am-1pm / 3pm- 6pm CEST


In this 4-day course multiple EMMY-Award-winning composer MARK WATTERS will guide our students through the process of composing and conducting to all the other pertinent duties as a successful professional in film scoring.



Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Mark Watters


July 23-29, 2024 – Orchestration and Arranging with Conrad Pope and Nan Schwartz

(incl. 1 day off)

Schedule: 10am-1pm / 3pm- 6pm CEST


This six-day course will provide an insider’s look at “orchestration” of film music. From basic instrumentation to complete execution of a score, every step of writing professionally for an orchestra in today’s film world will be addressed.  The course will include an overview of all the instruments and instrumental families of today’s orchestra, their characteristics, their strong and weak points and how to use them effectively in an orchestration. Also determining the orchestra size for particular genres of scores as well as adapting to budgetary constraints will be discussed.



Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Conrad Pope, Nan Schwartz


July 31 – August 3, 2024 – Animation with Julie & Steven BERNSTEIN

Schedule: 10am-1pm / 3pm- 6pm CEST


One of the most daunting challenges a composer can face is writing effectively for animation. Anyone who has done it, knows that it requires the composer to possess a strong compositional technique. A successful composer in the animation has a fluent command of harmony, a mastery of counterpoint and knowledge of the orchestra; not only of the color and ranges of the instruments but their individual character(s). If that isn’t enough, one needs to have a sense of humor, irony, and drama, not only about music but about life! This summer at the Hollywood Music Workshop, we are fortunate to have two masters of the genre: Steven Bernstein and Julie Bernstein, who have been recognized with multiple Emmys.


If you have the technique to effectively score a cartoon, chances are you will be more than equipped to score a dramatic film. Explore the world of Animation this summer at the Hollywood Music Workshop. Ultimately, you may not ever score a cartoon, but the lessons you’ll have learned in this class will serve you well with whatever project you are involved in.


The ANIMATION classes will begin each day with a discussion of aesthetics as it pertains to music for animation. A clip will be shown without the musical score and we will discuss the elements of the scene with attention to dramatics, character, timing, score set-up, special timbres and orchestration, as well as musical choices including harmony and melodic and rhythmic possibilities. The actual scoring process will be discussed from spotting the cue, choosing hit points, finding a suitable tempo and laying out the score. Examples will be shown demonstrating each element discussed. In the afternoon, students will score short clips for review the following day, after which the cue will be presented as scored by the instructors. Julie and Steve will be available during the writing segment for problem solving, ideas, suggestions and anything else which may arise during the writing process.



Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Julie & Steve Bernstein


August 5-8, 2023 – Univ. Production with Walter WERZOWA

Schedule: 10am-1pm / 3pm- 6pm CEST


This four-day course with AI specialist & EMMY Award winning Professor Walter Werzowa will provide a deep insider’s look at the “Production” of film music & provide you with the required understanding of the entire production process. It begins with a spotting session, discussing the power and danger of temp music, how to present music to a director, how to take criticism and how to stay inspired if some things turn out different from how they were planned. Walter Werzowa will also go through legal and contractional questions & how you can promote your work on social media. On the last day, three musicians will be hired to play your score and your work and mix will be discussed.



Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Walter Werzowa



“Early Bird” – booking until Apr. 15th, 2024

  • 4 days: 800 €
  • 6 days: 1200 €


Regular booking from Apr.15th, 2024

  • 4 days: 1000 €
  • 6 days: 1500 €




As it is usual, a special concert will be held at the Casino Baden, in Baden, during the Hollwyood Music Workshop 2024. This year, the title will be “4 Voices of Musical in Hollywood” with Maya Hakvoort, Missy May, Ramesh Nair, and Andre Bauer. More details will follow at a later date.


Hollywood Music Workshop 2024 - Concert


Hollywood Music Workshop encourages aspiring composers, orchestrators, and music professionals, to apply for this unparalleled opportunity. Limited spots are available, and interested individuals are urged to secure their place early to avoid disappointment.


For more information about the Hollywood Music Workshop‘s Annual Summer Academy in Baden and to apply, visit:



You can read more about past editions of Hollywood Music Workshop here:
