John Williams’ Film Night and masterclass with John Williams & David Newman – Tanglewood 2019

The traditional annual ‘John Williams’ Film Night’ concert at Tanglewood (Lennox, MA, USA), will be held next week, on August 24th, 2019.

John Williams’ Film Night - Tanglewood 2019


The concert, that this year won’t be conducted by John Williams, will be performed by the Boston Pops under the baton of David Newman, and will be hosted by maestro Williams, with a program celebrating the music of Hollywood and more.


Tickets, with prices between $ 23-130 (21-117 €) can be found on the following link:


Facebook Event:


Additionally, there’s a special event entitled ‘Tanglewood Learning Institute Film Weekend’, to be celebrated 23-25 Aug, that will give the possibility to attend a masterclass called ‘On Film and Music’ with David Newman and John Williams on Friday, August 23rd at 13:00h, and will also include many other activities during the weekend such as conversations with conductors and composers, demonstrations, and screenings.

Tanglewood Learning Institute Film Weekend 2019 - John Williams, David Newman


You can find more information about this special event (priced $ 399 / 360 €) here: