SONAFILM 2024 – First Guests

The festival SONAFILM – Festival de Música de Cine de la Marina Alta in Alicante, Spain, has unveiled the first guests of its 6th edition to be held in August 2024, on dates yet to be announced.


The Spanish composers Zacarías Martínez de la Riva and Manel Gil-Inglada, are the first two guests of the festival and of the concert ‘Made In Spain’ that after the success obtained last year, will have a new edition this summer.

SONAFILM 2024 - First Guests


While we await news of more guests and advances in the program, we invite you to read the detailed summary article of the 5th edition of the festival, held in the towns of Ondara, Denia, El Verger, Teulada Moraira, and Calp, in August 2023:



SoundTrackFest is proud to be a partner of the festival since its first edition and to continue supporting SONAFILM one more year. In August we will be in La Marina Alta – Alicante, Spain, and we will bring you more details of what happens there.


You can read more about all SONAFILM’s previous editions here:


Official website: