
Joseba Beristain – Elcano & Magellan – Interview

Joseba Beristain is an old friend of SoundTrackFest, and we already…

‘Audiovisual pleasure’ film music concert at the San Sebastian Festival 2017

NOTE: This article is an update of the news published on 7/14/2017…

Film Music Concert at the San Sebastian Festival 2017

The traditional film music concert that is annually organized…

Film Music Concert – San Sebastian Festival 2016

One more year and as we announced a few weeks ago through…

Film music at the 64th San Sebastian Film Festival

On Saturday September 17 will be held at 12 a year, the traditional…

Portfolio Items

VIDEO: Joseba Beristain – Unicorn Wars – Song ‘Batalla/Battle’ – Making of

2023-01-17 - 13:45 h The audiovisual production company…

VIDEO – Recording sessions of the soundtrack ‘Elcano, La Primera Vuelta al Mundo’ by Joseba Beristain

2019-01-13 - 13:25 h Here you have a short video of the…