4th edition of Festival Musimagem Brasil – Bruce Broughton

The Brazilian Association of Composers of Music for Audiovisual (Musimagem Brazil), is preparing the 4th edition of their annual festival, Festival Musimagem Brasil, which will have the participation of many of their composer members, besides special guests and general public.


The festival will be held in Belo Horizonte (Brasil), next month of September from Thursday 6th till Sunday 9th and will have lectures, panels, workshops and concerts.

Festival Musimagem Brasil - Conferencias


The festival invites a main international guest every year, being the previous ones Luis Ivars, Bruno Coulais and Laurence Rosenthal, and in 2018 the international guest will be Bruce Broughton, who will be present at the festival and give a talk about his work to the members of the association and to the general public.

Festival Musimagem Brasil - Bruce Broughton


The main event of the festival will be a concert offered on Friday 7th at 19:30h by the strings orchestra “Orquestra Ouro Preto” (which has received a Grammy Latino Award), which will perform compositions of Musimagem Brasil members and some works by Bruce Broughton.

Festival Musimagem Brasil - Concierto


On Saturday 8th at 19:30h the members of the association Musimagem Brasil will offer a concert, presenting also the Remo Usai award to the Brazilian composer, actor, and artist Sergio Ricardo.

Festival Musimagem Brasil - Sergio Ricardo


All the concerts and events are free, requesting only previous inscription. More information and inscriptions at:



Festival Musimagem Brasil 2017 – Video Summary:


Festival Musimagem Brasil 2016 – Video Summary: