Finalists of the 2nd Edition of the Juan Gil Family Estates International Soundtrack Composition Prize

Saturday, June 9th, 2018, was the deadline to submit the candidate works for the second edition of the contest ‘International Soundtrack Composition prize’ organized by Juan Gil Family Estates, which has the largest prize in the world for a contest of this type: € 50.000!!


Once the pre-selection process finished, the works chosen as finalists were announced this 31st of July (the names are pseudonyms, which are used to guarantee anonymity during the evaluation process):

  • La Búsqueda” – Lardis
  • Seeds of Change” – Tinearth
  • The True Treasure” – Martha Webber
  • Lloro” – Dafoe
  • Tierra, Corazón, Alma” – Hans Zilliams
  • Oro Granate, Oro Blanco!” – A. Greendown
  • 1916” – Batistrello
  • Blanco Granate” – Undercave
  • Essor” – J.J. Jouanno
  • Jewels of the Earth” – Fidelio
  • A noble heart” – MelodyGuy
  • Alma Jumilla” – Hypnos


From this moment, the jury formed by the conductor Constantino Martinez-Orts, the Spanish composers Lucio Godoy and Roque Baños, the representative of the winery Juan Gil Vera, and chaired by the British composer Patrick Doyle, will decide which work is the one that underscores the short film “Essence”, that can be watched here:


The winner will have the opportunity to premiere the short film with his music at the concert of the Film Symphony Orchestra at the Víctor Villegas Auditorium in Murcia (Spain), where its music will be recorded live.


More information about this second edition of the contest, on the official website: