International Film Festival of Aubagne with Stephen Warbeck and Gabriel Yared

Today, Monday, March 19th, starts the International Film Festival of Aubagne (Festival International du Film d’Aubagne – FIFA) in Aubagne (France), which will end next Saturday, March 24th.


The festival, which focuses on film and music, will include conferences, meetings, workshops, film screenings and concerts, and will feature a very interesting list of guest composers: Stephen Warbeck, Gabriel Yared, Laurent Perez del Mar and Eric Neveux among others.


Among the film music related events of the festival, we can highlight the following:


Composition workshop with Stephen Warbeck. As part of the festival and organized with the collaboration of SACEM (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique), the British composer Stephen Warbeck will teach a composition workshop applied to the image from March 14 to 21, to a group of 8 young composers / musicians.

FIFAubagne 2018 - Stephen Warbeck

Awards to the best soundtracks. The festival will award a prize of 2,000 € for the best original score for a feature film and 3,000 € for the best original score for a short film.

FIFAubagne 2018 - Awards



Conference with Gabriel Yared. Cinéma Le Pagnol will host on Tuesday, March 20th at 7 p.m. the screening of the film The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), which will include a conference with the composer of its soundtrack Gabriel Yared, guest of honor of the festival.

Tickets: 4,5€ –

FIFAubagne 2018 - Gabriel Yared


Conference with Laurent Perez del Mar. Cinéma Le Pagnol will host the screening of the film The Red Turtle (2016) on Tuesday, March 20th at 7:30 p.m., including a conference with the composer of the soundtrack Laurent Perez del Mar, guest of honor of the festival.

Tickets: 4,5€ –

FIFAubagne 2018 - Laurent Perez del Mar


Conference with Éric Neveux. On Wednesday, March 21st at 3:45 pm, the film Zombillenium (2017) will be screened at the Cinéma Le Pagnol, which will include a conference with composer Eric Neveux, guest of honor of the festival.

Tickets: 4,5€ –

FIFAubagne 2018 - Éric Neveux



On Thursday, March 22nd at 9:00 p.m., the concert called ‘Movie-Concert 4-Way Perspective’ will be held at the Théâtre Le Comedia, as a result of the musical composition workshop in which students from four universities invited to the festival participate, where their music will be performed by the musicians of the Aubagne music conservatory.

FIFAubagne 2018 - Movie-Concert 4-Way Perspective


On Thursday, March 22nd at 10:30 p.m., the Espace del Libertés venue will host a Jam Session performed by the group La La Band, which will be centered on themes from films such as The Young Girls of Rochefort, Ghostbusters or Born to Be Wild.

FIFAubagne2018 - Jam Session


On Saturday, March 24th at 8:30 pm, the Théâtre Le Comedia will be the place for the closing concert of the festival called ‘Movie-Concert Master Class’ where the 8 students of Stephen Warbeck’s composition workshop will premiere the music created during the workshop, applied to excerpts from films the composer has scored: Yellowbird (2014), Polisse (2011), My King (2015) and Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (2001).

FIFAubagne2018 - Movie-Concert Master Class


More information about the festival on its official website: