SoundTrackFest invited to the recording sessions of Hullabaloo with Manel Gil-Inglada

Led by Disney veteran cartoonist and animator James Lopez, the Hullabaloo animation project, aimed to make a Steampunk feature film with traditional 2D animation techniques, started in 2015 a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo that far exceeded its initial goal ($ 80,000 was requested and ended with $ 470,000 !!)… And the adventure is entering now its final stage!



Official website:

Hullabaloo - Poster


The music of this project is in charge of Spanish awarded composer Manel Gil-Inglada, who has already completed the soundtrack, and is preparing to record it this weekend in Bratislava (Slovakia) with the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Hernando Rico.

Hullabaloo - Manel Gil-Inglada
Bratislava Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Hernando Rico


The sound engineer Mikel F Krutzaga, who was interviewed by SoundTrackFest a few months ago (read interview), will be in charge of the recording sessions that will take place on Sunday 12/17/17 in the afternoon.

Mikel F Krutzaga


Gorka Oteiza from SoundTrackFest has been invited to attend these recording sessions and to participate documenting them, for a subsequent special article that will be published soon.


And here comes the surprise… in order for you to see the atmosphere of the place, see how a recording session runs, and listen to some of the music performed by the orchestra, on Sunday 12/17/17 starting at 3 p.m., you will be able to connect live with the studio in Bratislava via Facebook Live on the Facebook page of SoundTrackFest.

Hullabaloo - Recording Sessions

It is expected to make several connections at different times (from the recording booth, from the studio with the orchestra, a brief talk with Manel Gil-Inglada, etc …) that will be announced on Sunday at noon.


For more news, stay tuned on Sunday 12/17/17 at 3 p.m. to SoundTrackFest’s Facebook page and Twitter: