World Soundtrack Awards 2017 – Dates announced

Famous World Soundtrack Awards festival, held annually in autumn in Ghent (Belgium), has officially announced the dates for its 17th edition: Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th October 2017.


As in previous occasions, in addition to the conferences and meetings that will be organized during the festival, the main events will be the two concerts to be held on:

  • Wednesday – 18th October 2017 – 17th World Soundtrack Awards Ceremony & Concert
  • Thursday – 19th October 2017 – Symphonic Jazz Concert


As it has been announced, this edition is expected to have a jazzy touch, and there will be more news coming soon regarding guests and ticket sales.

WSA 2017 - Banner


SoundTrackFest will follow up this new edition of the festival, but for now, we’ll leave you with the summary-article of the World Soundtrack Awards 2016 here: