‘We Have to Go Back: The Lost Concert 2018’ with Michael Giacchino

The music of the iconic TV series LOST, will be performed in concert again conducted by its composer Michael Giacchino on Saturday, September 15th, 2018 – 8:00 p.m. at the Ford Theater in Los Angeles (California).


The concert, which has been called ‘We Have to Go Back: The Lost Concert 2018’, will be in charge of the Hollywood Studio Symphony Orchestra, the same orchestra that recorded the original soundtrack.

Lost in Concert - Michael Giacchino


The objective of the event will be to raise funds for the Musicians At Play foundation, in addition to celebrating the 14th anniversary of the LOST TV premiere, having as special guests for this evening its creators Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.


The tickets, which were made available less than 24 hours ago, are selling out very fast, and Michael Giacchino himself has confirmed on Twitter that there were problems getting tickets, as ‘Bots’ trying to make massive purchases were detected.


There are approximately 20% of the seats available at this moment, with prices between 64-129 $ (52-105 €) in the following link:



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